Meet the 2024-25 WSRC TEAM:
Nicole Damianidis & Shamim Sohrevardi
The Co-Chairs are the chief executive and official spokesperson of the WSRC. Some duties of the Co-Chairs include overseeing the daily operations of the WSRC, acting as a liaison between the WSRC and Western Experience, and coordinating the work of all other portfolios.
Internals: and
VP Internals: Sara Gehlaut; Research Director: Arjun Stenger; Logistics Director: Joyce van Paassen
The Internals portfolio manages all of the key planning necessary for our Expo and Conference. They organize the hiring of judges, the selection of presenters, the marking of presentations, and all of the hidden details in operating a smooth and successful event.
Externals: and
VP Externals: Grace Eunbin Kim; Marketing Director: Nirmay Arora; Outreach Director: Ali Hasanzada
The Externals portfolio is responsible for all communications surrounding our events. This ranges from managing this website, to operating our social media accounts, to organizing all e-mail communication, and even designing all of our promotional material.
VP Finance: Isabella Boesgaard; Finance Director: Helen Zhou
The Finance portfolio oversees all the finances of the WSRC. This includes establishing and maintaining partnerships with sponsorships from Western organizations and external corporations, budget planning and club financing.